Shifting Paradigms has pioneering experience with evaluating, scoring and proposing risk mitigation measures for individual carbon offset projects under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), notably Joint Implementation (JI) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). My experience with governmental carbon credit purchasing programmes extends to CDM and JI project development and management, as well as contracting and risk management.
By order of large carbon buyers it has performed due diligences on several projects in China, including:
- Hebei Wanquan Yulong Wind Power Project (36 MWe wind power project in Hebei, China)
- Shaanxi Ziyang Small Hydropower Stations Bundle Project, (14.7 MWe hydropower bundled project in Shaanxi, China)
- Two hydropower projects in Gansu, China
- Huaneng wind project (Shandong Changdao 27.2 MW; Shandong Weihai 69 MW; and Jiangsu Qidong 91.5 MW)
- Huaneng hydropower umbrella project (Sichuan Huoxi River Ziyili hydropower project 130MW; Sichuan Huoxi River Yinping hydropower project 100MW; Sichuan Huoxi River Muzuo hydropower project 100MW; Sichuan Wasi River Xiaotiandu hydropower project 240MW; and Baoxing River Baoxing hydropower project 195MW)
- Huaneng Wind Umbrella Project (Jilin Taobei Huaneng 49.3MW; Jilin Tongyu Huaneng 100.5MW; and Guangdong Nan’ao Huaneng 45.05MW China)
The scope of the due diligences included UNFCCC registration risks, project development technical and financial risks, an assessment of the reputational exposure related to the environmental, safety and health impacts of the project and background investigation on the counterparts.
Clients: Dong Energy, Endesa,
Partners: Jelmer Hoogzaad was an employee of Climate Focus at the time of this project. Other partners in this project included Marubeni, China carbon, Easy Carbon a.o.