The cement sector is responsible for about 5% of global CO2 emissions and the driving force behind the largest extractive industry in the world. In emerging economies like Vietnam, economic growth drives an increasing demand for construction materials. The waste sector on the other hand is a major source of methane emissions and remnant from our linear economy. Peru sought to reduce waste production and improve waste management.
This project was part of the Jojnt Nordic NOAK-NEFCO Partnership Initiative which explores new finance options under the international climate architecture to pave the way for cost-efficient and effective implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMAs). The objective of the project is to pilot the Initiative and identify concrete options for up-scaled support for nationally appropriate mitigation action approaches in preparation of one or more pilot programmes. This included extensive consultations in the target countries, Peru and Vietnam drafting a feasibility study conducted with Climate Focus and GreenStream, in cooperation with local partners.
The feasibility study consisted of an analysis of publicly available information, week-long missions of the working group to both countries and intensive stakeholder consultation. Meetings were held and interviews conducted with about 150 government officials, representatives of public institutions, of international organizations and from the private sector. As part of the feasibility study, Terms of References were prepared for the actual implementation of the selected pilot programme options.
Activities included:
- Selecting suitable sectors in the two target countries in close cooperation with stakeholders in the target countries.
- Missions to both countries, consultation meetings and close cooperation with partners in the target countries during the implementation of the project.
- Implementing a NAMA Feasibility study for the waste sector in Peru and cement sector in Vietnam.
- Drafting the Terms of Reference for the implementation of a NAMA readiness programme in both countries.
Client: Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), Nordic working group for global climate negotiations (NOAK)
Partners: Climate Focus, Greenstream Network, FONAM (Peru) and ENERTEAM (Vietnam)
Countries: Vietnam, Peru