COP 23 side-event
Wednesday, 15 November 2017, 13:15 – 14:45
Meeting Room 4
Organised by

Effective climate action requires tapping into renewable sources of both energy and materials, and extracting the most societal value and utility out of them at all times. Around 67% of global greenhouse gas emissions is related to material management and, taking Europe as example, allocated to the production products and materials of which 95% is waste after just one use-cycle. Practise shows that applying circular economy concepts opens new greenhouse gas mitigation options which are mostly left unexplored, yet crucial to honour the Paris commitments.
This side event explores how we can align climate policy, the architecture of the Paris Agreement and climate finance to develop this potential, while contributing to the economic development and low-carbon growth ambitions of developing countries.
Introduction: Ms. Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General UNCTAD
Segment 1: Introduction to circular economy concepts and how it can contribute to increasing the ambition of collective climate action towards the 1.5⁰C target
Speakers and panellists: Vintura Silva, Massamba Thioye (UNFCCC), Jelmer Hoogzaad (Shifting Paradigms), Matthieu Bardout (Circle Economy), Rei Tang (Stanley Foundation), Felix Preston (Chatham House), Ellen Macarthur Foundation, Ms Amal-Lee Amin IDB
Segment 2: Practical experience from developing countries with identifying and implementing circular economy strategies towards low-carbon development
Speakers and panellists: with Case studies and initiatives from Laos, Kenya, China and India.
Download: Side Event Flyer, Side Event Report