KIMEP and Satpayev University gave me the opportunity for a lecture on the Kyoto Protocol and international cooperation on climate action, in Russian. With the language support of my two Russian language teachers, I accepted the invitation.
Kazakhstan has always had a unique position under the Kyoto Protocol. Before and after the Copenhagen round of negotiations it was lobbying for accession into Annex 1, having its climate targets accepted and being able to access the flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. Together with the EBRD, Climate Focus supported this process.
Due to this difficult position, there has been practical experience in Kazakhstan with the the Kyoto Protocol and its flexible mechanisms. The lectures served both as a means to enhance the awareness amongst the academic community.
On a personal level they set
an ambitious target for my Russian language lessons. I worked and lived in Almaty during six months in 2010, taking daily Russian language lessons.
Clients: KIMEP University (formerly: the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research), K. I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University
Partners: I am tremendously grateful to my Russian language teacher, who made this possible and encouraged me to accept the invitations to lecture on the Kyoto Protocol: Ms. Kuralay Bukharbaeva.