The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) published an article on the Lao PDR metabolic analysis. The article summarized the findings of the metabolic analysis in Lao PDR.
An assessment of the business potential of the 11 core interventions found that six are commercially viable on their own, 89% of the circular GHG mitigation and sequestration potential has a positive net present value, and 85% would provide a payback in less than six years. These six areas comprise:
- Reducing losses and waste in food value chains
- Expanding climate-smart agriculture combined with organic certification
- Producing bio-gas and organic fertiliser at smallholder and industrial scale
- Prioritising and producing industrial wood-based construction materials
- Implementing industrial symbiosis and remanufacturing
- Accelerating the electrification of the transport sector with service models.
The remaining interventions may require financial incentives. With a carbon price of US$25 per tonne, 98% of the circular mitigation and sequestration potential has a positive return, or negative marginal abatement costs.
The full article can be found on page 25 of the June/July 2022 edition of Transform.
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh