Shifting Paradigms works with a broad network of experts to strengthen its in-country capacity and broaden the expertise it can provide.

Circle Economy
Circle Economy is a social enterprise, organised as a cooperative. It accelerates the transition to circularity through on the ground, action focused, development of practical and scalable solutions and international campaigns, communications, and engagement, focused on spreading the circular message. Its tools and programs are designed to facilitate decision making and action plans for businesses and governments in a wide range of sectors.
Latest Project: Lao PDR: The circular economy brings net carbon neutrality within reach by 2040

FABRICations is an award winning design practice involved in architecture, urbanism and regional strategies. Founded in 2007 by Eric Frijters and Olv Klijn, the office’s work focuses on the spatial impact of a socially, economically and ecologically better environment.
Latest Project: Metabolic analysis and circular economy strategies for Almaty, Kazakhstan

Climate Focus
Climate Focus is a pioneering international advisory company committed to the development of policies, methodologies, programmes and projects that mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Our international and multidisciplinary team works closely with the private sector, governments, non-governmental and multilateral organizations, across a range of sectors including renewable energy, forestry, agriculture, waste, transport, and energy efficiency.
Latest Project: Blog: The Gambia receives global recognition as the circular economy keeps the country on track to below 1.5°C

Footprints Africa
Footprints Africa from Ghana advances sustainable, scalable and inclusive approaches to development of local African economies. It supports SMEs to adopt future-friendly practices, address the challenges of growth and create jobs, using supply chains as a tool for development.
Footprints Africa is championing business as a force for good and piloting new business models that exemplify this. It is a Registered UK Charity and exists for public benefit.
Latest Project: A platform to disclose circular economy initiatives from Africa

Revolve Consulting
Revolve Consulting from Yerevan aspires to create business ecosystem where positive value growth is not extensively correlated to harmful resources exploitations. Looking beyond the current “take, make and dispose” linear extractive industrial model, the circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design. Relying on system-wide innovation, it aims to redefine products and services to design waste out, while minimising negative impacts on the ecosystem.
Latest Project: The circular economy gaining traction in the EECCA region

Earth Systems
Earth Systems provides consulting, project management and research and development capabilities in the environmental sector around the world. We seek and implement innovative and effective solutions to environmental problems; and offer a high quality, objective and value-adding service that reflects environmental expectations of the present and anticipates those of the future.
Latest Project: Transform Magazine on resource mapping in Lao PDR: A state of flow

Circular Vision
At Circular Vision we believe in collaborations and partnerships to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Coalitions of frontrunners are the driving force behind the adoption of a circular, regenerative economy, which fundamentally chances the way business operates. Circular Vision’s focus and passion lies with improving materials management with a particular interest in designing waste out of the system. The company is based in South Africa.
Latest Project: Blog: The Gambia receives global recognition as the circular economy keeps the country on track to below 1.5°C

EnviroSense identifies the status quo of resource consumption considering all relevant social, economic and natural system impacts. fromt here it formulates individual solutions towards waste minimisation and pollution prevention. Lateral system based thinking inspired by Circular Economy principles and designs help achieve an improved environmental performance, financial savings, job creation from waste opportunities and better overall operational efficiency. Envirosence holds the chair of the South African E-waste Alliance, is co-founder of the African Circular Economy Network and is based in South Africa.
Latest Project: Blog: The Gambia receives global recognition as the circular economy keeps the country on track to below 1.5°C

The Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption
The Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption in Kazakhstan (CSPC) is an independent non-governmental organization founded in January 2005 within the framework of the TACIS Project “Cleaner Production in selected CIS countries: Moldova, Georgia and Kazakhstan”. Its mission is to develop and implement sustainable production and consumption practices in industry and agriculture, and the promotion of a preventive approach to environmental protection, with use of best available technologies and innovation at national and local level.
Latest Project: Metabolic analysis and circular economy strategies for Almaty, Kazakhstan

Planet Ark
Planet Ark helps people, governments and businesses reduce their impact on the environment. Planet Ark Environmental Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation with a vision of a world where people live harmoniously with nature. Established in 1992, they are one of Australia’s leading environmental behaviour change organisations with a focus on working collaboratively and positively. In 2020, Planet Ark will launch an Australian circular economy hub.
Latest Project: Chinese waste ban forcing a breakthrough in circular economy ambitions in Australia

Royal HaskoningDHV
Royal HaskoningDHV has been making a world of difference in people’s lives since 1881. As an independent international engineering and project management consultancy, we have been working with clients to successfully deliver projects which contribute to improving living circumstances. Our 6,000 colleagues, spread over 150 countries are committed to our promise to enhance society together. We combine global expertise with local knowledge to deliver a multidisciplinary range of consultancy services for the entire living environment.
Latest Project: Methane reduction in the palm oil industry

Greenovation is an independent private firm specialized in innovative technical and finance solutions, business/project development and international trade advisory services for a range of renewable energy, energy efficiency, water and waste (water) management technologies and products. We serve private/public entities, governments, development agencies, banks, multi-lateral organizations, non-profits and NGOs.
Latest Project: Industrial ecology in the cement sector of Kazakhstan

Atlas Environmental Law Advisory
Atlas has been founded on one simple idea: impact with integrity. This means applying the most effective and thoughtful legal strategies to safeguard the sustainability of both our economies and our environment. It believes that private business should work closely with governments in the responsible use of natural resources, growing wealth with one hand while preserving endangered ecosystems and biodiversity with the other.
Latest Project: Carbon offsetting in Europe post 2012: Kyoto Protocol, EU ETS, and effort sharing

Green Carbon Bulgaria
Green Carbon Bulgaria is a climate mitigation advisory based in Sofia. It provides technical advisory services to connect mitigation action and climate policies with international climate finance. Green Carbon Bulgaria has over 10 years of experience with estimating and monitoring the emission reduction impact of mitigation efforts.
Latest Project: Gold Standard carbon credits from a waste biomass boiler in Bulgaria

Eneco Solutions
Eneco Solutions is an environmental management service provider with offices in Almaty and Uralsk, Kazakhstan. It provides trainings on environmental management systems, greenhouse gas monitoring and is an accredited verifier under the Kazakhstan Emission Trading Scheme.
Latest Project: Industrial ecology in the cement sector of Kazakhstan

Carbon Disclosure Project
CDP is a not-for-profit that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Over the past 15 years we have created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide.
Latest Project: Lowering cities carbon emissions – new climate finance options

GRID Impact
GRID Impact is a global research, innovation and design firm that specializes in human-centered approaches to complex social and economic challenges. It creates scalable social impact in domains such as financial inclusion, sanitation, agriculture and alternative energy. Its approach is a combination of the evidence-based insights and diagnostic of behavioral science, and the creative problem-solving and iterative, collaborative processes of human-centered design for more predictable, longer lasting results.
Latest Project: Microfinance to accelerate the adoption of efficient cookstoves and solar lanterns in Kenya

Trinomics is an economic consultancy giving advice to leading public sector clients on policy related to energy, environment and climate change. We provide knowledge that allows decision-makers to make decisions based on facts, evidence and thorough analysis. We team up with experts from academia, business and consultancy to solve complex problems.
Latest Project: Lowering cities carbon emissions – new climate finance options

Whitehopleman Cement Industry Experts
Whitehopleman Cement Industry Experts provides innovative services and solutions to improve the performance of cement manufacturing and supply companies. It focuses on the investigation, identification and dissemination of best practice in all aspects of the cement industry. Its industry-wide benchmarking service identifies best practice in the industry.
Latest Project: Industrial ecology in the cement sector of Kazakhstan

Tijl Akkermans
Tijl Akkermans is a designer working on the visual communications of organizations and companies. He believes that a good design strategy helps the world forward by telling and showing the stories and goals of the organizations and companies he is working for. His approach is very broad and multi-disciplinary; logo’s, corporate identities, websites, books, exhibitions and campagnes. Beside his assigned work, he initiates his own projects in the field of culture and society.